Chorlton Mark Double No.394.
Wednesday 2nd April 2014.
Short trip again tonight, five minutes and we’re here, it does seem a long time since Tom, Snoopy and myself had to travel very far but maybe in the future who knows, anyway back to the meeting. There must be something in the water here in Urmston because tonight there was yet another Double Advancement taking place, this time at the very old and distinguished Chorlton Mark Lodge who’s Warrant dates back to 1888, yes 1888!!  Can you imagine what the country was like back then, no motorways to get stuck on, no TV with 200 channels of mostly rubbish, nobody walking about with a phone stuck to their ear, mind you probably half the Nation was starving and had holes in their shoes (if they had shoes) but you can’t have everything,  and bye the way its not true as someone suggested to me that W.Bro Graham Bailey GStdB who has recently recovered from a major operation and now looks fighting fit was a founder member of the Lodge.
The Lodge is made ready and the Warrant Displayed
The two Candidates tonight were W.Bro Howard Monk a member of Phoenix Lodge and W.Bro. Robert Williamson a member of St John’s Lodge, they were about to experience a very special evening. The W.M. a dedicated Mark Mason W.Bro David Barraclough PProvGMO (E.Lancs) is a Brother who is and has always been someone who has given great service to both the Mark and RAM degrees, always prepared to assist wherever its needed, whether it be to fill a vacant office or even joining Lodges who may be struggling with falling numbers, a real credit to himself and a fine example to for us all to follow in this “The Happy Degree”.
The Three (4) Musketeers.
W.Bro Lusack.Tyler. W.Bro.Hughes Treasurer. W.Bro.Bailey Charity Steward. W.Bro.Cartwright RegMarks
At the appropriate time after the usual Lodge business items had been dealt with the two Candidates were admitted and were duly Advanced to the Honourable Degree of Mark Mason, the WM assisted by a wonderful team of officers, making especial mention of the DC W.Bro. Mike Tonge PPrDGSwdB and the two Deacons, Bro. Victor Mambu and W.Bro Clifford Bevan PPrGJD, it was plain to see by all that many hours of practise must have been spent in perfecting the excellent ceremony we all witnessed. The Candidates having been Advanced were duly congratulated by the WM on behalf of all present before taking up their rightful place in the Lodge.
Visitors & Members following the Ceremony
Any remaining business having been dealt with the Lodge was closed in due form following which  the Brethren gathered around the welcoming bar for a drop of something nice to quench their thirst before taking up their seats at the Festive Board for what was to be a superb meal as is always the case at Urmston Masonic Hall.
During the meal you could feel the warmth and friendship amongst those present which this degree puts into the hearts of all who join it, lots of news from other areas, about families, holidays, hobbies and of course the odd funny story here and there. The formal Toasts having been done we came to the most important ones of the evening, that being to the Candidates and of course on this occasion their reply.
Candidates & WM
Another great evening spent in perfect harmony, if you know a Brother who you think worthy of joining this fine Degree, someone who during a Ceremony doesn’t want to see heads shaking, grunts, or tut tuts, someone sincere who will look forward to attending our meetings, invite him to come and join us in this “The Happy Degree”.
The time had come once again for us all to depart to places far and wide, another great evening over all too soon, “Happy to Meet, Sorry to Part, Happy to Meet Again” Mark Well.    
Ready to Serve. The Chef & His Team
W.Bro B.Hayes PAGDC. W.Bro.C.McNab PSGD (PGM's Special Rep) WM. W.Bro.D.Duling. IPM.
& W.Bro.M.Tonge PPrDGSwdB. DC, 'Time for a laugh'
Three above, General Views during another excellent the meal
Is This How You Do It ? Bar Manager & Staff
W.Bro. Austin N. Fletcher. PPrAGDC